class empyreal.engine.economy.EconomyController(user_id=None, session=None, server=None)
Raises an EmpyrealException if there is no Market Place at the used location.
EconomyController.purchase_item(item_type, cnt=1, location_id=None)
Raises an InsufficientItemsForSaleException in case there are not enough items of the provided type for sale.
Raises an UserIsOutOfActionPointsException if the user has no actions points.
Raises a ReligionInsufficientCurrencyException if the user has insufficient currency.
Raises an UserIsBusyException if the user is currently busy.
Returns a empyreal.lib.models.CardResult.
EconomyController.sell_item(item_type, cnt=1, location_id=None)
Raises an InsufficientItemsForSaleException in case the user does not have enough items of item_type available in the current location.
Raises an UserIsBusyException if the user is currently busy.
Returns a empyreal.lib.models.CardResult.