Table of Contents
  Controller class
  Main interface


Controller class

class empyreal.engine.location.LocationController'(user_id=None, session=None, server=None)

The controller class for the Location interface used by the clients. This controller is a subclass of empyreal.engine.core.GameController.

Main interface


Returns the current location of the Character. Returns the destination location in case the Character is on the move.

Returns a empyreal.lib.models.Location.

LocationController.get_traveling_cost(source_id, target_id)

Returns the number of turns it takes to travel from location source_id to the location of target_id.


Returns the city and all its sub locations. This also includes the Most Celebrated religion and the total number of living Residents of the city. If the location_id is omitted the users Prophet current location is used instead.

LocationController.get_location_child_locations(location_id, include_all_religions=False, _type=None)

Get all the child locations of the provided location_id. In case include_all_religions is set to True it will also return all the non-neutral and non-player owned locations. The optional _type parameter can be used to filter for specific location types.


Returns a list of empyreal.lib.models.Resident objects who are alive and located in the provided location_id. If the location_id is omitted the users Prophet current location is used instead.

LocationController.get_inhabitant_count(location_id=None, ascended=False)

Returns the total number Residents for the provided location_id. The optional ascended parameter can be used to count ascended Residents instead. If the location_id is omitted the users Prophet current location is used instead.

LocationController.get_city_rankings(location_id=None, top=5)

Returns the top X religions within the provided city.