In order to win the game you have to obtain Supremacy Points. These points are given to players once they reach certain conditions. At the moment the Winning Conditions are set to 4 Supremacy Points. This means that the player who obtains 4 Supremacy Points before any other player will be announced as the Winner of the game and it will end the game.
The results of the latest finished games can be found at the Games overview page.
NOTE: the Supremacy Points are just implemented and are undergoing heavy balancing.
This point is achieved when a player has at least 25 workers combined in any city and has more workers than any other player. Workers are automatically assigned to buildings a player constructs so in order to obtain this point a player should construct as many buildings as possible.
If the number of Workers is equal for two or more players the point remains with the first obtainer.
The player is given this points when they are at least a level 10 Religion and have a higher level than any of the other players. Leveling is done by gaining Experience Points, which in turn are given for incoming Faith and Resource Production.
If the level is equal for two or more Religion, the point is awarded to the Religion with the most XP. If the XP is also equal this point remains with the first obtainer.
This is awarded when the player has at least 5 Devouts and has more Devouts than any other player. This is the number of all Devouts a player has in all the Cities and excludes the players Prophet.
If the number of Devouts is equal for two or more players the point remains with the first obtainer.
When a player is the Most Celebrated Religion in at least 3 Cities and in more cities than any other player. A players Religion becomes the Most Celebrated if they have the Residents with the most combined total Believe.
If the number of cities is equal for two or more players the point remains with the first obtainer.
This point is granted when the player has at least 10,000 Holy Points and has more of them than any other player. Holy points are granted when playing Holy Spell Cards and for some Artefact actions.
If the number of Holy points is equal for two or more players the point remains with the first obtainer.
The Banker point is given when the player has at least 5,000 Gold in their bank and more than any other player. Gold can be obtained by discarding cards, selling Resources or with Artefact actions.
If the amount of Gold is equal for two or more players the point remains with the first obtainer.
When the player has Enchanted at least 5 different Production Buildings with a Food Boost Enchantment and more than any other player this point is granted.
If the number of Food Boosts is equal for two or more players the point remains with the first obtainer.
Given when the player has 150 items of 5 different Resources in any single City and more than any other player.
If the number of Items is equal for two or more players the point remains with the first obtainer.